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/ Grand Slam / GrandSlam volume 1.iso / 021 / phantom.arj / GLOBAL.HAG / VOCAB.DB < prev    next >
Text File  |  1993-03-26  |  3KB  |  287 lines

  2. 'in one'
  3. 'in two'
  4. act curtain
  5. aisle
  6. apron
  7. attack
  8. backstage
  9. bear prop
  10. blue frame
  11. book
  12. bust
  13. cable
  14. carpet
  15. carton
  16. cartons
  17. ceiling
  18. chair
  19. circular staircase
  20. climb down
  21. climb into
  22. climb through
  23. column prop
  24. conductor's stand
  25. corridor
  26. couch
  27. counterweight system
  28. crate
  29. crates
  30. crumpled note
  31. cyclorama
  32. cylinder
  33. door
  34. dressing room door
  35. dressing screen
  36. dressing table
  37. elephant prop
  38. envelope
  39. exit
  40. exit down
  41. exit sign
  42. exit to
  43. exit to backstage
  44. exit to cellar
  45. exit to corridor
  46. exit to dressing rms
  47. exit to left wing
  48. exit to pit
  49. exit to right wing
  50. exit to stage
  51. exit to stairwell
  52. exit to trap room
  53. exit up
  54. exposed brick
  55. fan
  56. fire axe
  57. fl
  58. flat
  59. flats
  60. floor
  61. folding chairs
  62. garbage can
  63. graffiti
  64. green frame
  65. hemp
  66. hole
  67. house
  68. in one
  69. in two
  70. jump into
  71. junk
  72. key
  73. lamp
  74. lantern
  75. large note
  76. lasso
  77. leg
  78. letter
  79. light fixture
  80. lock
  81. locking rail
  82. lockrail
  83. look at
  84. look through
  85. mannequins
  86. mirror
  87. mummy prop
  88. mural
  89. music score
  90. music stand
  91. music stands
  92. nothing
  93. notice
  94. orchestra door
  95. orchestra pit
  96. painting
  97. parchment
  98. piece of paper
  99. pipe
  100. pit
  101. plant
  102. poster
  103. prompter's box
  104. prop table
  105. props
  106. proscenium arch
  107. purchase lines
  108. railing
  109. read
  110. red frame
  111. remove
  112. rope
  113. rug
  114. sandbag
  115. scaffolding
  116. seats
  117. side wall
  118. small note
  119. stage
  120. stage exit
  121. stage left
  122. stage right
  123. stagemanager's post
  124. stair unit
  125. staircase
  126. stairwell
  127. stool
  128. strike
  129. sword
  130. table
  131. the house
  132. thunder machine
  133. ticket
  134. trap ceiling
  135. trap door
  136. turn off
  137. turn on
  138. unlock
  139. urn
  140. walk across
  141. walk down
  142. walk through
  143. walk up
  144. wall
  145. wardrobe
  146. waste basket
  147. water pipe
  148. wear
  149. wedding ring
  150. yellow frame
  151. prop
  152. climb up
  153. walk onto
  154. walk
  155. left door
  156. right door
  157. door to pit
  158. headphones
  159. boxes
  160. mug
  161. dinette set
  162. box
  163. cases
  164. trash bucket
  165. cork board
  166. headset
  167. grand foyer
  168. back wall
  169. ballet bar
  170. throw rugs
  171. costume rack
  172. coat rack
  173. paintings
  174. umbrella
  175. shelf
  176. container
  177. torn poster
  178. review
  179. reviews
  180. stage right wing
  181. stage left wing
  182. pedestal
  183. plant prop
  184. statue
  185. batten
  186. big prop
  187. ventilation duct
  188. chandelier
  189. barrier
  190. placard
  191. ticket window
  192. archway
  193. column
  194. rail
  195. seat
  196. loge corridor
  197. house light
  198. flov
  199. left column
  200. right column
  201. bookcase
  202. doorway
  203. comfy chair
  204. desk
  205. manager's chair
  206. desk lamp
  207. window
  208. sheers
  209. tapestry
  210. overdoor medallion
  211. latticework
  212. decorative molding
  213. left doorway
  214. left archway
  215. right doorway
  216. right archway
  217. sofa
  218. end table
  219. coffee table
  220. decorative vase
  221. marble column
  222. box five
  223. enter
  224. box six
  225. box seven
  226. box eight
  227. box nine
  228. step
  229. panel
  230. walk behind
  231. middle doorway
  232. light
  233. candle
  234. case
  235. handle
  236. axe
  237. door chunks
  238. flo
  239. bulletin board
  240. julie
  241. glass case
  242. keyhole
  243. middle door
  244. dressing gown
  245. Monsieur Brie
  246. catwalk
  247. grid
  248. girder
  249. gridwork
  250. ductwork
  251. opening
  252. dome
  253. alcove
  254. Christine Daae
  255. Christine
  256. woman
  257. prompter's stand
  258. support
  259. other catwalk
  260. slot
  261. beam position
  262. lighting instrument
  263. tarp
  264. face
  265. catwalk over house
  266. staircase post
  267. Jacques
  268. gentleman
  269. body
  270. hollow column
  271. upper level
  272. middle level
  273. lower level
  274. ladder
  275. climb
  276. chandelier trap
  277. piece of wood
  278. cut hemp
  279. stone wall
  280. lake
  281. stone column
  282. exit through
  283. stone floor
  284. stone archway
  285. Charles
  286. switch